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Claremont House

New build


Location : New Malden, UK

Client : Private

Year : 2017

Stage: Planning granted Nov. 2017 

detailed design stage

Site context 

The site is located in a predominant resident area in south east of New Malden, London.

Most of the properties on Claremont Avenue are semi-detached houses.




Due to the zigzag form of the rear garden, the applicant’s site has an abnormally large size and direct intimate relation with multi-neighbouring properties. In relation to multineighbouring, the backyard has constraints of height restriction due to overlooking and outlook issues. This given condition was an opportunity to design multiple one storey spaces oriented along the North-South axis. This created multiple intimate external spaces that connected internal spaces with formal front, side and rear garden spaces.


The design proposal divides the public (living & kitchen) zone and the private (bedroom) zone into two wings split by a central courtyard at its core. The timber decking of the central courtyard is expressed on the ceiling and soffit of the canopy right through the internal link connection that joins the two wings, creating a form welcoming front garden (public) and tranquil rear garden (private). The public wing is pulled out close to the entrance to introduce a pocket garden space respectively next to the living area and next to the master bedroom.


The proposed layout of the house attempts to evoke the sequence of entering a Hanok (a Korean traditional house) the procession of gradually approaching a private space from the most public space such as entering a living room from a front yard via an elevated decking (medium). Thus, the design proposal attempts to express the various living experiences whilst respecting the height and overlooking restriction constraints.


The overall large-sized rear garden is rationalised via applying several mediums; guest outbuilding, exposed decking, water pond, split wings and individual pocket gardens. The tailored design enhances and creates an identity through weaving the most familiar sequence specific to the Client (who is Korean) into the most intimate space within the context of this UK semi-detached rear garden house.



Back Land Development at rear side of the existing semi detached house

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